There is one time of the year in America, that all the experts come crawling out of the woodwork. March. Yes, March Madness sets in and everyone is an expert who will no doubt win the office pool for the NCAA Tournament. What's funny, it's usually the bobble headed blond in the steno pool who wins out of dumb luck.
Actually, we all have an expertise, or at least we think we do. Some of us are multi-talented and others flounder at the one area we know about. But we all are experts at something.
When we are in the groove and totally focused in our field of expertise, there is no one or, no thing that can take us out of the zone. Everything slows down around us as our thoughts and motions become fluid and even ethereal at times.
Try to explain those moments. Try to write about the actual act of being in the groove. Words will always fall short. Because in the end, the experience is one that has to be felt. "You just had to be there."
The image for this post is available by longhorndave via Creative Commons licensing
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